
We are here to help

Online Divorce Workshops

Free Online Divorce Support Group: Get Help and Support from Home

This is free online divorce support group, based in Colorado but open to anyone, anywhere.

We offer an open space where you can ask for and give support, get questions answered, talk to professionals, bitch and moan, and eventually move onward and upward.

Come commiserate with others, talk to professionals, unload, get support and help with follow through, have a laugh, have a cry…it’s all good. We’re here for it. We’ll try to have a different professional each month come and talk about their field of expertise. If you have specific topics you want to be covered, let us know. We meet the second Tuesday evening of the month.

Topics at a typical workshop will cover a wide range of issues, such as:

  • How to organize your finances
  • Whether or not to choose mediation
  • The difference between legal separation and divorce
  • Whether or not a therapeutic separation is right for you
  • How to set yourself up for a new mortgage
  • Co-parenting issues
  • Issues around self-care
  • Joint custody
  • Understanding key financial concepts during divorce
  • And so much more

Guest speakers we've had in the past:

Kim Surber, Certificed Divorce Financial Analyst

Jennifer Meyer, Therapist

Desiree Grey, Family Law attorney


Every Second Tuesday of the Month, 6-8 am MST

Location: Online/Zoom

To Learn More About Divorce Coaching


Open Space Divorce Support Group


Women's Divorce Education Workshop


Divorce Resources in Colorado


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